Would you consider leaving a gift to the Walton Centre Charity in your will?  Leaving a legacy is not only an incredibly generous gesture and a special way to support the hospital, it also means that you will have a lasting impact on the Walton Centre long in to the future.

It is surprisingly easy to leave a gift in your will - most supporters usually do so in one of three ways:

Residual Legacy

This allows you to leave the Walton Centre Charity a share of your estate, once you have worked out what you are leaving to your loved ones.

Pecuniary Legacy 

This allows you to leave the Walton Centre Charity any fixed sum of your choosing.

Specific Item 

This means you can leave anything you think may be of some value to the Walton Centre when sold - such as a piece of jewellery or piece of art for example.

We would advise that you speak to a solicitor or a professional will-maker to get impartial advice about your options. If you would like to find out the difference your gift would make to the hospital please contact us.