Improving the hospital environment Thanks to our generous charity supporters, we are able to improve the hospital environment for patients, relatives and staff. For patients and relatives, this means a more warm, welcoming, and comfortable environment, including activities to enhance their stay with us. For staff, this means creating meaningful and useful rest areas to improve wellbeing and patient care. Take a look at just some of the charity funded initiatives below. Scenic walls and comfortable seating We know that relatives and patients can spend a long time in hospital, from many hours, to days, to months, depending on what type of care and treatment their loved one is receiving. That's why we have funded scenic photography murals throughout family rooms, waiting areas, ward areas and rest areas. This helps to make the environment more friendly and have a less clinical feel, with the addition of comfortable seating and more aesthetically pleasing furniture. Breathe Easy Garden The staff courtyard at The Walton Centre has been transformed into a beautiful, tranquil and relaxing space. Called the 'Breathe Easy Garden', it was designed by Peter Lloyd from Liverpool and won the Silver-gilt medal at The RHS Flower Show at Tatton. The garden allows staff to relax and reflect on their day and see the many flowers, herbs, and shrubs that have been planted. A big thanks to Gardens by Peter Lloyd, Mustard Seeds Gardens and NHS Charities Together for their support. Family rooms on wards For the visitors who have relatives on a ward at The Walton Centre, we know that they may spend long periods of time traveling to the hospital and staying to visit their loved ones. Thanks to our charity supporters, we have been able to refurbish the family rooms on our wards, and provide comfortable seating, kitchen and cooking facilities, and dining tables. A big thanks to the League of Friends for their support. Junior Doctor's Mess Junior Doctor's play a very important role at The Walton Centre, but their shifts can be very long and demanding. The Walton Centre charity has been able to refurbish the Junior Doctor's Mess that includes rest areas, a kitchenette, and a communal space for relaxation. A big thanks to NHS Charities Together for their support. Manage Cookie Preferences