I'm fundraising for The Walton Centre Charity because in November 2017 my brother, James, suffered a stroke at the age of 29. The Walton Centre saved James's life as he spent several months there before moving on to rehabilitation wards on other hospitals. In all, James spent 99 days in hospital.

More recently my dad has also been visiting for treatments, since moving up to Liverpool, so the Centre has provided my family with essential care for multiple years and I'd like to see if I can raise some funds as a way to say thank you.

On a more positive note, James worked very hard and made an excellent recovery, to the extent that he will be joining me on this walk up Snowdon along with his wife, Lyndsey, my brother, Mark and my dad, Dave.

About The Walton Centre:
The Walton Centre in Liverpool offers a world class neuroscience service which includes many pioneering techniques, cutting edge treatments; and clinicians who are international leaders in their field. Over 100,000 patients are treated at the hospital each year with conditions ranging from head and spinal trauma injuries; brain and spine tumours; Epilipsy, MS, Motor Neurone Disease and Parkinson.

The Charity funds a variety of projects in the hospital including research, innovation, new technology and patient & family facilities. Robert Lattimore