Hey friends! I decided to challenge myself and achieve 100 000 step count in May and support a trust I am working. I have been working 6 weeks on night shifts and it is have been hard of being active during days. So I hope this challenge gives me a little kick to come over daily fatigue. Every penny counts and I am truly grateful for your support xx

A little introduction of my trust. The Walton Centre in Liverpool offers a world class neuroscience service which includes many pioneering techniques, cutting edge treatments; and clinicians who are international leaders in their field. Over 100,000 patients are treated at the hospital each year with conditions ranging from head and spinal trauma injuries; brain and spine tumours; Epilipsy, MS, Motor Neurone Disease and Parkinson.

The Charity funds a variety of projects in the hospital including research, innovation, new technology and patient & family facilities.

TUUlike Hines