As some of you know, I lost my Dad, Mike, at the age of 50 on (Date) due to a grade 4 brain tumour that was originally discovered when he was 35. Over the years, he underwent two major brain operations and 55 radiotherapy treatments. Unfortunately, we were always told that the tumour would return. In January 2023, it did just that, but this time there were three tumours.

Dad wasn’t going to give up. He wanted to fight regardless of knowing the inevitable outcome. He opted for an invasive chemotherapy tablet that would extend the three months he had been told he had left to live. Despite being weak and very poorly, with the chemo affecting his speech, balance, and overall health, he chose to continue with the treatment. He wanted as much time as possible with his family. He was a warrior right until the end, regardless of the mental and physical challenges he faced.

Currently, the National Cancer Research Institute shows that brain tumour research represents only 1% of the national spend on cancer. It is an overlooked cancer, yet the fifth most common. Therefore, the charity I would like to raise money for is the Walton Centre Charity. The Walton Centre is where Dad had his brain surgeries and radiotherapy. Without Dad’s surgeon (who has been with us throughout) and the Walton Centre, we wouldn’t have had Dad for the extra 15 years since his first diagnosis. The funds go towards innovative technology that isn’t available through the NHS and extended neuroscience research.

Thank you for reading, and please, if you can, give anything towards this charity to help make a difference for brain cancer. I would be so grateful!

Family is everything. Cherish every moment, love deeply, live fully, laugh always and remember—you never know when you will take your last breath Rebecca Bradshaw